How having Cerebral Palsy impacted Sevinc’s relationship with her Mother!

Mother’s Day is on the way, so I thought I’d share with you all my relationship with my mother over the years and how that has changed since I have moved out. My relationship with my mother has always been very close as I have no relationship with my father, but because I have Cerebral Palsy, until my move in 2021, there was arguments on how she thought I needed something, via what I wanted to do with my life. A lot of times, she was right, I should have drunk water, do something rather than just chatting with friends for hours and go to bed at a “normal time”, but at the end of the day, I was an adult and needed to do what I thought was best for me. Since I have moved out of home and she is no longer the main carer, even though she still suggests things, like every mother does to their children, if I say no to something that she suggests, she accepts my decision. 

A bit about my mum. She is one of the most amazing people, who will help anyone. She has 3 different businesses and is a support worker. She loves her family time. She loves seeing her children grow and success in life. I am also very alike my mum. She’s organised, I am organised. She tries to hide emotions. I try to hide emotions. She’s good at money. I am good at money. I hope you all enjoy this little blog!

Check out Sevinc and Heather’s Able and Disabled Podcast

May 8, 2024